We Speak LLC


"We Speak"
Meet All Your Communication Needs

Excellent skills and training working with Autistic, multiple births and bi-lingual children with speech and language delays.

Also able to address the oral motor, feeding and swallowing issues with infants and school age children.

Highly skilled in area of diagnostic evaluation.

Trained in the limited use of sign language to assist in communicating with children. Also knowledgeable, Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication related handicapped Children, (TEACCH) and Picture Exchange Communication System, (PECS) methods and Augmentative and Alternative Communication, (AAC) devices. ​ Knowledgeable with the developmental cycle of children from birth to eight. Knowledgeable of the workings of Special Education, collaborating with professional.

Specialize Areas: Verbal Apraxia, Autism, Articulation, Respective, Expressive and Pragmatic/Social Language, Sensory Integration, Feeding and Oral Motor Development. 

Due to COVID Some Services are Only Teletherapy/Telehealth, Until Further Notice